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September is the peak season for our cannas here at the farm. Cooler temps forecasted are great news compared to the 100+ degree days in recent weeks. It is incredible how mild days perk up and brighten the cannas. 

If you haven't already stopped by our site, it is open for Spring 2024 pre-orders! If you missed out on something this year, now is a great time to place your order for next spring. 

Since cooler weather is nearing, it is time to consider winter care. For zones 6 and colder, we recommend digging and storing your cannas to be replanted next year. For zones 8 and warmer, you can leave cannas in the ground, worry-free. Zone 7 is a middle ground for cannas. Most gardeners in zone 7 have success with leaving cannas in the ground and covering them for the winter. For a refresher tutorial on winter preparations, watch our YouTube video (below)! 

Winter care was the furthest thing from our minds last month when we had guests visit from Holland. Our family thoroughly enjoyed three days with Alfons and Monique van Haaster and their sons, Jelle and Mats. Their farm, Van Haaster Nursery, is in the village of De Zilk. We first met Alfons when he visited us almost 20 years ago. We were delighted to meet more of his family during this trip!

Of course, most of our conversations revolved around cannas. We learned that Holland has some of the finest cropland in the world. The area is below sea level, so they rarely have to irrigate their fields. It was great fun comparing our planting and harvesting methods. We shared many laughs and were grateful for Jelle's excellent English. He did lots of translating for us!  

We also learned about the Dutch Royal Trade Association, a group of Dutch companies representing more than 85% of the world's trade in flower bulbs. The association voted cannas as the summer bulb of the year for 2023, a wonderful tribute to our favorite flower!

The very best part of the trip was creating friendships that will last a lifetime! Alfons and Monique made us promise we would come to visit them in the future. 

-Nikki and the Team at Horn Canna Farm